

  • Clone the project git clone --recurse-submodules
  • If you already cloned the project without the cloning submodules first running: git submodule update --init --recursive
  • The option --remote was added to support updating to the latest tips of remote branches: git submodule update --recursive --remote
  • Install Rust language: curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
  • Install Foundry:
  • Install dependencies: sudo apt-get install nodejs npm libgmp3-dev nasm nlohmann-json3-dev
  • Install Circom/SnarkJS: npm i -g snarkjs circom
  • Install Owshen: cd owshen && make install
  • For installing client dependencies we need to go to client route and: yarn or npm install
  • Running proper Ganache localhost network: ganache-cli -d --db chain (We need to import first account from Ganache to metamask for local testing)
  • Initialize your pub/priv keys and deploying dependencies by running cargo run -- init --wallet test.json (Your keys will be saved in ~/.owshen-wallet.json - also you can running this command multiple times for testing purpose)
  • For deploying the contracts and hash functions and also test tokens cargo run --release -- deploy --endpoint "" --from "4f3edf983ac636a65a842ce7c78d9aa706d3b113bce9c46f30d7d21715b23b1d" --name Localhost --config Localhost.json --chain-id "1337" --deploy-owshen --deploy-dive --deploy-hash-function (The --from flag is private key that we use to deploying contract its set to first ganache private key)
  • Make sure the client is built in root: cd client/ && yarn build
  • For generating supported network file and also serve .zkey files in root of project run: make assets (This makes a combination of directories that are needed for windows mode)
  • Run the wallet (GUI): cargo run -- wallet --port 9000 --db test.json --mode test

For testing purpose you should add localhost ganache-cli config to your metamask networks:

  • chain_id: 1337
  • rpc_url:

(After that you need to import the first private-key in you metamask of ganache-cli for testing purpose)

  • Beside ~/.owshen-wallet.json we also have .owshen-wallet-cache which is cache for owshen contract events for more efficient event processing and reading data from it